
Notice détaillée

Optimal stroke-correspondence search method for on-line character recognition

Article Ecrit par: Shin, Jung-pil ;

Résumé: This paper describes an optimal stroke-correspondence search method that makes possible stroke-order-free on-line character recognition. During the stroke-correspondence search process, conventional individual stroke-information regarding the shape and position of each stroke, and interstroke-information regarding the mutual relationships among strokes are both employed. The optimal path search for stroke-correspondence, being based on an optimal criterion including both intra- and interstroke-information, is systematically carried out. The reasonable level stroke-correspondence search is achieved partially by using the information regarding the actually occurring stroke-order, which does not hinder the framework of stroke-order-free recognition due to its use of statistically stable information. A large improvement in both computational time and recognition-accuracy were achieved in the current experiments.

Langue: Anglais
Index décimal 621 .Physique appliquée (électrotechnique, génie civil, génie mécanique, ingénierie appliquée, principes physiques en ingénierie)
Thème Informatique

Mots clés:
Dynamic programming
On-line character recognition
Stroke-order information
Markov cube search

Optimal stroke-correspondence search method for on-line character recognition
